What are the common reasons for silence?

Browse:483   / Time:2018-12-25 11:47:37
Six Common Reasons for Soundless Audio

1. Poor contact of socket and signal line. It is necessary to check that the sound is electrified and the signal lines are in good contact.

2. The most common faults of power amplifier are bad capacitance or power amplifier tube burning, which has some problems in our use, but most of them are instability of the equipment itself.

3. Some power amplifiers will have a channel without sound failure, the problem is still the internal circuit problem.

4. As for other faults, there are some other problems, such as poor contact of amplifier volume potentiometer, imbalance of left and right channels, too frequent protection function, bad contact of back panel work switch and signal socket. In a word, power amplifier is an electrical equipment which is easy to break down in the present audio system.

5. The most common part of the speaker failure is of course the speaker problem. It can be said that the most common failure in a sound system is burning the speaker. This of course has human factors, but most of them are the quality problems of the speaker itself.

6. Another common failure of speakers is that the connection ports are aging and the contacts are poor, especially the frequent flowing speakers are prone to this kind of failure.
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